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Defeat the Deep State & Defend Whistleblowers

Defeat the Deep State & Defend Whistleblowers


Be an ACLJ Champion. Giving monthly is the best way to support our fight.

The only thing standing between Biden's Deep State corruption and the Constitution is you. We can't afford to lose this fight.

We're expanding our Government Accountability Project – launching a Whistleblower Protection Initiative to legally defend the brave men and women who are willing to risk it all and come forward to expose corruption and defend the Constitution. We WON'T LET BIDEN PUNISH AND SHUT THEM DOWN. But to win will require enormous resources. As we file new lawsuits against the Deep State and take on new whistleblower clients to defeat the lawless Deep State corruption, we urgently need your Tax-Deductible support to defend the Constitution.

Donate today to defeat the Deep State before our impending court deadlines.

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Government Corruption
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