Biden-Harris Administration Harasses Tulsi Gabbard

Biden-Harris Administration Harasses Tulsi Gabbard

The Biden-Harris Administration is once again unconstitutionally targeting conservatives for their political views. Whistleblowers report that the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has once again overstepped its bounds, this time targeting former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, subjecting her to increased travel surveillance and placing her on a specialized terror watchlist. This alarming abuse of power represents yet another example of government overreach and the erosion of our constitutional rights.

We're taking unprecedented legal action – filing FOIA requests to the Biden-Harris TSA, DHS, FBI, and DOJ over the unconstitutional targeting of Tulsi Gabbard. We're also preparing to take additional legal action, including various lawsuits. And we'll take this all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court if necessary.

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