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ACLJ FOIA Lawsuit Uncovers Obama White House Involved in Clinton-Lynch Meeting Spin, Obama Loyalist Investigating Themselves


Jordan Sekulow

August 8, 2017

Our federal lawsuit against the DOJ bureaucracy over the secret meeting between former Attorney General Lynch and former President Clinton has already unearthed documents proving the FBI lied that it had “no” documents, that the media was colluding with the Obama DOJ to bury the story, and that AG Lynch (AKA Elizabeth Carlisle) was using a secret email address to conduct official business. Now we’ve uncovered that the White House was involved.

On the afternoon of June 29, 2016, two days after the Clinton-Lynch meeting, senior DOJ officials forwarded an email containing a transcript of AG Lynch’s press availability where she answered questions about the meeting directly to the Assistant Press Secretary and Spokeswoman at the Obama White House, Brandi Hoffine, that stated, “I’ve attached a document containing the transcript to this email, and I’ve included the text below. Please let me know if there is anything that needs to be corrected.”

Nineteen minutes later, the same senior DOJ official, Melanie Newman – the person who had taken point on the DOJ spin team – emailed the FBI to “flag” the story about the meeting – an email the Comey-led FBI told us last October didn’t exist. This email included the now redacted talking points – key spin the Obama deep state still doesn’t want the public to see.

It was Comey himself who testified that the Clinton-Lynch meeting was the impetus for his now infamous public announcement exonerating Hillary Clinton. He testified before Congress, “[I]n an ultimately conclusive way, that was the thing that capped it for me, that I had to do something separately to protect the credibility of the investigation, which meant both the FBI and the Justice Department.” We know that AG Lynch’s Deputy Chief of Staff contacted Comey’s Chief of Staff and Counselor, Jim Rybicki, with information that is still redacted on July 1st, just days before Comey’s public announcement.

We’ve also learned that within 2 minutes of the first press inquiry about the Clinton-Lynch meeting, senior DOJ officials had added Matthew Axelrod, the Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General, into the conversation. Axelrod was the number two to Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and according to his bio, “took the lead in advising on crisis management within the DOJ, working closely with the White House, Congress, the FBI, and the media on DOJ’s most sensitive and high-profile matters.”

So within 2 minutes of learning that the press had found out about the secret Clinton-Lynch meeting, senior DOJ officials knew they had a crisis on their hands.

But it gets even worse. We’ve also learned that Paige Herwig, Counselor to AG Lynch, was directly editing the still redacted talking points. Herwig is now the Deputy General Counsel to the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary for Ranking Member Dianne Feinstein – the committee that is now investigating the Lynch matter. Before becoming Counselor to AG Lynch, Herwig was Special Assistant and Associate Counsel to President Obama.

The conflict of interest is astounding. Committee staff who are supposedly investigating this situation were the same people creating the talking points – Obama loyalists investigating themselves.

As more information comes out, it continues to show just how important this meeting was and just how corrupt it was. The DOJ knew it was a big deal. They knew it had, at the very minimum, the appearance of impropriety. They knew they had a crisis. And they did everything they could to minimize and bury the story – a plan the mainstream media was all too happy to oblige.

We are preparing direct legal action to get the unredacted documents – the talking points and spin that the DOJ bureaucracy still doesn’t want the American people to see. We are winning. The truth will come out and those responsible will be held accountable.

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