We Must Be Vigilant - Gifts Doubled
We Must Be Vigilant - Gifts Doubled
So far, a litany of lawsuits has been filed against President Trump’s Executive actions. Since Election Day, the Left has come out swinging, chomping at the bit to tear down your religious rights however and wherever they see fit — at the local, state, and federal levels.
But the ACLJ is responding to these attacks against the constitutional powers of the presidency. Our team in Washington is finalizing strategies to defend the Constitution, rid the government of Deep State entrenchment, deport dangerous illegal criminals, withdraw from the pro-abortion World Health Organization, stop the weaponization of federal agencies against Christians and conservatives, and more.
We will not allow the Left to thwart the actions and policies President Trump was elected to carry out.
PLUS: We’re fighting multiple battles against new attacks on life, public prayer, and First Amendment rights across the nation … we’re defending Israel’s interests … and so much more.
We must be vigilant — and more aggressive than ever. A conservative in the White House doesn’t stop the tsunami of relentless attacks from the Left. Together, we must fight to restore liberty in America as we battle radical tyrants and their devious assaults on faith and freedom.
Stand with us — give today to fuel the fight — and keep the ACLJ in your prayers. Thank you!