There are ominous signs the U.S. military is turning its back on religious freedom.
On April 23, Pentagon leaders met with Mikey Weinstein, an anti-Christian extremist who decries “fundamentalist Christian monsters” and calls Christians “pitiable unconstitutional carpetbaggers.” He compares Christians to racists from the civil rights era.
If he said these things about Muslims, he’d never be permitted in the Pentagon; but now military leaders are actually consulting with him – relying on his input – as they create new policies that may roll back religious liberty – especially for Christians. This must stop:
Petition to Protect Religious Freedom in the Military
To President Barack Obama and Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel:
Cut ties with anti-Christian extremists who seek to redefine tolerance to include every religion but Christianity. Protect the constitutional rights of all soldiers, including Christian soldiers. Anti-Christian extremism has no place in the military.