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King George III Would Love Today's IRS


Matthew Clark

July 3, 2013

1 min read

Free Speech



America's Declaration of Independence wasn't referring to the IRS of the Obama era when it lamented that King George III had "sent hither swarms of officers to harrass our people." But it could have been.

While Independence Day is a joyous time for cookouts, fireworks, and remembrances this year, it is also a vitally important reminder in 2013 that the liberties our independence secured beginning in 1776 are now threatened by tax bureaucrats in our very own government.

As we celebrate our patriotism, all Americans should remember that our fellow citizens were targeted if they used "patriot" in their name. We must continue the call for a full investigation to hold the IRS accountable for its unlawful and unconstitutional political targeting of conservative citizen-led groups. . . .

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