President Biden's vaccine mandate is an unconstitutional abuse of federal power.

The Biden Administration issued a federal rule forcing employers of 100 or more individuals to require their employees to get the COVID vaccine – under threat of draconian penalties that could crush our economy.

This is an extreme federal overreach of power and violates numerous provisions of the U.S. Constitution.

For more than three decades, the ACLJ has been defending the constitutional rights of conservative organizations and businesses against unconstitutional government overreach – winning cases against the HHS abortion-pill mandate and the IRS targeting of conservative organizations.

Now we are once again taking direct legal action to defend the Constitution and personal liberty, filing a lawsuit in federal appeals court against Biden's unconstitutional vaccine mandate. We are honored to represent The Heritage Foundation – one of the largest conservative organizations in the nation dedicated to limited government and individual freedom. As The Heritage Foundation put it, "[W]e view this mandate as a deadly serious threat to our individual liberty and the values that make America great."

This is one of our largest legal efforts ever, and now we need YOU to take action with us.

Petition To Defeat President Biden's Unconstitutional Vaccine Mandate

Stop Biden's Unconstitutional Vaccine Mandate

Read Full Petition
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