FBI Director James Comey has broken the sacred trust of the American people.

He conducted two faux investigations into the State Department email scandal. He handed out immunity and ignored evidence to protect the Clinton Team from prosecution. He put President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton’s political legacy ahead of the law.

He made secret deals to destroy evidence, thwarting congressional subpoenas. That’s called obstruction of justice. It’s a crime.

President Obama’s FBI Director violated the law. He violated his oath of office. It’s corruption at the highest level.

The FBI Director’s job is to uphold the law, not break it; investigate crimes, not commit them.

FBI Director Comey must be impeached.

Our senior litigation team is working with Congress, demanding his impeachment. We’ve already filed four federal lawsuits to hold the Obama Administration accountable for its lawlessness. Defend the Constitution from corruption. Join us in demanding President Obama’s FBI Director resign or be impeached.

Petition Demanding FBI Director Comey’s Impeachment

Demand Congress Impeach Obama's FBI Director Comey

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