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Big Victory for Right To Vote: Case To Block Trump From Oklahoma Ballot Dismissed After ACLJ Files To Intervene on Behalf of Oklahoma Republican Party


Jordan Sekulow

October 2, 2023

4 min read

Election Law



The ACLJ just received a big win against the radical Left’s plot to block millions of Americans from voting for the candidate of their choice.

Shortly after the ACLJ filed a motion to intervene on behalf of the Oklahoma Republican Party, the self-declared presidential candidate who filed a lawsuit trying to ban former President Donald Trump from the state’s primary ballot – voluntarily dismissed his own lawsuit.

As we previously told you:

[T]he ACLJ now represents the Oklahoma Republican Party as it fights for ballot access in Oklahoma. Today, we are filing a motion to intervene in federal court so the Oklahoma Republican Party can be heard in this case.

A Texas resident has filed another lawsuit that, like the Colorado lawsuit, argues that former President Trump is ineligible to be President due to the 14th Amendment. This individual claims to be a Republican candidate seeking to eliminate his “rival” from the chance to run for office. This lawsuit was brought against two parties: President Trump himself and the Secretary of the Oklahoma State Election Board. But again, an organization critical to this lawsuit was left out. The Oklahoma Republican Party has a say in who the Republican nominees are going to be in the presidential election. It defines the rules that Republican candidates must follow, sets the platform for the Republican Party, and decides who the Oklahoma delegation will be to vote at the Republican National Convention.

With our constitutional order and right to vote for the candidates of our choice on the line, we are representing the Oklahoma Republican Party, which seeks to preserve its right, and that of its members, to participate freely in the election process. This case represents an unprecedented assault on Americans’ constitutional right to vote, and we are taking urgent legal action to fight back. We just filed a motion to intervene in the lawsuit on the Republican Party’s behalf. The Oklahoma Republican Party is seeking to join in this lawsuit and help defend the Constitution and the rule of law from these novel attacks on ballot access and the right to vote that ultimately amount to a dangerous attempt at election interference.

This is not only a victory for election integrity and voter rights, but it’s also a resounding example of the power of ACLJ members.

The same plaintiff also tried to bring a similar case directly to the U.S. Supreme Court, attempting to circumvent all other legal channels; but the Supreme Court swiftly tossed out his request, refusing even to review the case.

As reported:

The Supreme Court said Monday that it will not take up a longshot challenge to Donald Trump’s eligibility to run for president because of his alleged role in the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol. 

The case was brought by John Anthony Castro, a little-known candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, who sued Trump earlier this year in an effort to disqualify him from running for president and holding the office “given his alleged provision of aid or comfort to the convicted criminals and insurrectionist that violently attacked our United States Capitol on January 6, 2021.” 

The case was denied without any comment or recorded vote.

These are both big wins in our efforts to defend the integrity of our elections. But Oklahoma is only the tip of the iceberg. Numerous states have similar ongoing litigation in progress right now, twisting the 14th Amendment to keep Trump off the state primary ballot. If the Deep State gets its way, all 50 states could be in court over this issue.

As you know, we’re already representing the Colorado Republican Committee and the West Virginia Republican Party over the same issue, and judges recently granted our motion for both of those parties to intervene in the cases, meaning we can now fight to defend the integrity of our elections. This is not about Donald Trump or any other specific candidate – this is about the future of our electoral process. This is about protecting the right of every American to vote for the candidate of their choice. That is the essence of our constitutional republic.

We’re prepared to enter the ring in every one of these cases if need be to protect your constitutional right to vote for the candidate of your choosing – not just candidates approved of by the radical Left.

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