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Defend election integrity and the constitution
Election Hotline

Your right to vote is the most fundamental of freedoms,

the bedrock of our constitutional repbulic. We often say that elections have consequences, and that is no more true than today. As the election approaches, numerous issues can arise.

Our ACLJ attorneys are dedicated to defending your right to vote and the integrity of the election. And we're here to help. If your right to vote has been infringed or you witnessed any voting fraud, plase contact us via our legal help request form, and our attorneys will review your request and respond in an appropriate manner.

Submit a Legal Help Request to Our Election Integrity Team

We have also created a vital Know Your Rights resource to help answer some of the most pressing questions we receive about your rights on Election Day.

Know Your Rights on Election Day

The Supreme Court of the United States once said: “The right to vote freely for the candidate of one’s choice is of the essence of a democratic society, and any restrictions . . .

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If your own voting rights have not been violated, but you'd like to stand with us in defending the rights of others, please consider signing our petition below to defend election integrity.

Our legal team is defending election integrity nationwide, and we need you to STAND WITH US.


Election Law

237,508 Signatures

Defend Election Integrity and the Constitution

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