Demand Rep. Swalwell's Removal From House Intel Committee

A major impeachment agitator has just been exposed as being compromised by a Chinese Communist spy.

Rep. Eric Swalwell, who was one of the lead agitators on impeachment and the Russia Hoax, had a long-term connection with a Chinese Communist spy, WHILE SITTING ON THE INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE. That’s right, he had access to more classified information than almost any other Member of Congress.

He pushed a Russia Hoax while being COMPROMISED by the Chinese.

At the ACLJ, we don’t just talk about these scandals; we do something about it. We are filing a critical Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the FBI, NSA, Director of National Intelligence, and the State Department – the same Deep State agencies we’ve been battling and BEATING in court for the long-term.

Rep. Swalwell should be REMOVED from the Intelligence Committee, and we need to find out who knew and allowed this to continue.

As we take action and continue our critical cases against the Deep State in court, we need YOU.

Demand Rep. Swalwell's Removal From House Intelligence Committee