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Defend Election Integrity and the Constitution


Election Law

237,530 Signatures

Defend Election Integrity and the Constitution

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This may be the most Important Election in generations.

Yet your right to vote is under unprecedented assault. The radical Left is trying to enshrine into law EVERYTHING that went wrong with the 2020 election – forcing mail-in ballots, banning voter ID measures, and legalizing ballot harvesting – inviting fraud.

They've unleashed a blitzkrieg of lawsuits against election integrity laws – even attempting to strip away your right to vote for the candidate of your choice.

Now some states are unconstitutionally dismantling the Electoral College and replacing it with the popular vote. And with Biden's policies inviting floods of illegal immigrants, fears of non-citizen voting are rising as some cities and states try to allow it.

We often say that elections have consequences, and that has never been more true than now.

At the ACLJ, we're dedicated to defending your right to vote and the integrity of our elections. Our legal team is already fighting in battleground states and filing FOIA lawsuits. We were involved in the landmark Bush v. Gore case and won the Trump ballot ban case at the U.S. Supreme Court. And we're prepared to go back to the Supreme Court if necessary.

Take action with us now.

Sign the Petition.
Defend the Integrity of Our Elections and the Constitutional Right To Vote.


Election Law

237,530 Signatures

Defend Election Integrity and the Constitution

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Your signature makes an impact!

ACLJ petitions aren’t merely names on a page but powerful tools used with governments, the media, and courts to focus attention on injustice and create real-world change. Here's how:

First, we can directly and immediately alert individual Members of Congress and other government officials of the size and scope of the public support for our initiatives. Unlike, say, White House petitions – which at best generate a response from low-level staffers – our most successful petitions have generated direct White House, State Department, and congressional responses at the highest level.

Second, we alert members of the media and can help drive national news stories as petition signatures grow.

Third, petitions not only influence foreign governments, they can provide aid and comfort to persecuted people abroad.

Finally, you can directly participate in the most critical court battles of our time. Your signature - your voice - can be represented in briefs to the Supreme Court and to federal courts across America.