ACLJ Succeeds in Getting Obama Administration to Consider Policies to Secure Borders and Revoke Passports of Terrorist Traitors
For the past several months we have been warning not just of the dangers that ISIS – the Islamic State – poses in the Middle East and its genocide against Christians but of the direct threat that ISIS poses to the United States.
American passport holders have joined the fight alongside ISIS terrorists in Syria and Iraq. Some have returned here to the U.S., and our borders both with Mexico and Canada are woefully porous.
We started petition drives to revoke the passports of American traitors who join ISIS in its war on America (over 100,000 signatures so far) and to secure our open borders to prevent ISIS jihadists from invading America to conduct terror in our midst (already over 75,000 signatures).
Then last week the unthinkable happened. In two separate incidents radical Islamic jihadists (at the very least inspired, if not directed, by ISIS) conducted terror attacks in Canada. Then the very next day another jihadist committed an act of terror in New York City, attacking police offices in broad daylight with a hatchet.
The sad reality is there are sure to be more terrorist attacks, as ISIS continues to spread it radical agenda of jihad, unless and until America begins to take this issue seriously.
Thankfully because the American people were willing to speak out even when the Obama Administration failed to lead, the Administration has begun to take notice.
Reuters reported last week that U.S. officials are considering steps to “tighten controls on the border” and to “make it easier to revoke the passports of suspected militants.”
There is much left to be done, but the fact that the Obama Administration is even considering making common sense moves to strengthen our borders and revoke passports of traitors would have been unthinkable just a few short weeks ago.
We’ve been asking you to sign these petitions. We’ve been asking you to get and share our new book, “Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can’t Ignore,” because we needed to get the attention of the Obama Administration and the media elite to force them to take ISIS and the threat of radical jihad seriously. You made “Rise of ISIS” number 1 on the New York Times Best Sellers List.
Now we’re starting to see the results.
America cannot ignore ISIS; it cannot ignore our porous borders and traitors who join jihad and expect to keep America safe. There is a long way to go before the policies needed to protect America are put in place but this is a significant first step.
Keep up the fight.