The Left is criminalizing the execution of the U.S. Constitution.
The Deep State is undermining the rule of law and the conservative agenda.
This is a constitutional moment for the American people. It’s a really big deal. It puts our republic at risk.
Nearly every day there is a new leak, a new fake accusation, a new attempt to stop the President from doing his job, a new attempt to push the same false narrative on the American people.
What we’re seeing today is, without a doubt, the shredding of the Constitution.
At the ACLJ, we’ve spent the better part of three decades defending the Constitution. We’re taking direct action to fight back – to restore the Constitution. We’re in court battling the Deep State in numerous cases. We’re analyzing the law. We’re working on Capitol Hill to ensure the law is followed.
We will restore the Constitution and root out corruption. But we need you.