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Radio Recap: Rudy Giuliani Joins Broadcast to Discuss the Conclusion of the Mueller Investigation


Jordan Sekulow

March 25, 2019

4 min read




After nearly two years, 19 lawyers assisted by 40 FBI agents, more than 2,800 subpoenas, 13 requests to foreign governments, and 500 witness interviews, Special Counsel Robert Mueller just gave his report to the Attorney General.


On today’s broadcast, my day Jay Sekulow who serves as President Trump’s co-counsel in his private capacity, welcomed former Mayor of New York City, and lead counsel to President Trump, Rudy Giuliani, to discuss the Mueller Report and the end of the investigation.

As Mayor Giuliani said of the summary letter Attorney General William Barr sent to Congress: “I can’t remember quite as strong a vindication . . . Absolutely not a scintilla of evidence of any corruption.”

Here is part of what Attorney General Barr said in his letter to Congress describing Special Counsel Mueller’s report:

The report explains that the Special Counsel and his staff thoroughly investigated allegations that members of the presidential campaign of Donald J. Trump, and others associated with it, conspired with the Russian government in its efforts to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election . . . .

The Special Counsel's investigation did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia in its efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

The Mueller probe was an independent investigation into alleged Russian collusion in the 2016 election, and whether it involved President Trump or members of his campaign. In his investigation, which lasted nearly 2 years, the Special Counsel:

employed 19 lawyers who were assisted by a team of approximately 40 FBI agents, intelligence analysts, forensic accountants, and other professional staff. The Special Counsel issued more than 2,800 subpoenas, executed nearly 500 search warrants, obtained more than 230 orders for communication records, issued almost 50 orders authorizing use of pen registers, made 13 requests to foreign governments for evidence, and interviewed approximately 500 witnesses.

To say the least, this was certainly a thorough investigation.

The President has maintained from day one that to his knowledge there was no collusion and that this investigation cast a politically motivated cloud over his presidency.

The President wanted full transparency. At his direction, the White House and the Trump Campaign gave investigators over 1.4 million pages of documents. As Mayor Giuliani noted, we didn’t delete tens of thousands of emails. No cell phones were smashed with a hammer.

President Trump had nothing to hide, as he’s said all along, and did not obstruct this investigation. Regarding obstruction, Attorney General Barr explained that the Special Counsel “ultimately determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgment” and “did not draw a conclusion.” This left the decision to be made by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who had supervised the Special Counsel’s investigation all along, and Attorney General Barr. According to the Attorney General’s letter to Congress:

After reviewing the Special Counsel's final report on these issues; consulting with Department officials, including the Office of Legal Counsel; and applying the principles of federal prosecution that guide our charging decisions, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and I have concluded that the evidence developed during the Special Counsel's investigation is not sufficient to establish that the President committed an obstruction-of-justice offense. Our determination was made without regard to, and is not based on, the constitutional considerations that surround the indictment and criminal prosecution of a sitting president.

The Left now seems to be turning on Robert Mueller, who many perceived as their champion. As I noted, Leftists painted Mueller as some liberal savior who would oust President Trump, and instead he has proven himself to be exactly what he was brought in to be – an independent investigator. And his investigation revealed there was no collusion or obstruction, and vindicated the President.

Now the Left in Congress are threatening to subpoena Mueller and Attorney General Barr. They just can’t accept the results of the investigation, or all the evidence and interviews presented. As Americans, we should all be excited – regardless of politics – that the President has been cleared. There was no collusion. There was no obstruction.

This is big win for the President and a great day for America.

You can listen to the entire episode here.

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