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Update: Religious Discrimination - Not Economic Stimulus


Jay Sekulow

June 21, 2011

3 min read

American Heritage




I wanted to update you on a report we issued yesterday about the discovery of a little-noticed provision in the economic stimulus package that actually targets and discriminates against religious activity by prohibiting higher education facilities that accept federal stimulus funds from permitting religious groups and organizations from using those facilities.


Weve been able to share this information with news organizations who are following up on this disturbing provision. I've also posted information about this on several blogs - including my ongoing blog at Beliefnet and on the popular political site at The Hill.  I have made it clear that this provision is not only unacceptable but will be challenged vigorously by the ACLJ in federal court if it is not removed from the stimulus package.


The ACLJ became aware that the stimulus package includes a measure that clearly spells out that grants awarded under Section 803 shall be for the purpose of modernizing, renovating, and repairing institution of higher education facilities that are primarily used for instruction and research . . .


That provision also includes this disturbing prohibition:


PROHIBITED USES OF FUNDS - No funds awarded under this section may be used for - (C) modernization, renovation, or repair of facilities - (i) used for sectarian instruction, religious worship, or a school or department of divinity; or (ii) in which a substantial portion of the functions of the facilities are subsumed in a religious mission.


Under this provision, student groups would be barred from using facilities for worship or even Bible study if the school accepts the federal stimulus funds.


There is a priority problem in Washington.  Were seeing a troubling pattern develop regarding the use of federal taxpayer dollars.  This provision regarding the use of college and university facilities is just the latest example.  This is not what economic stimulus is about.  We know that the American people dont want their tax dollars used for discriminatory measures.  Thats why this provision must be removed now.


And, now reactions are beginning to come in from Capitol Hill.  Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina told CBN News that this provision will bolster organizations like the ACLU.  Democrats are looking for every opportunity to purge faith and prayer from the public square, DeMint said.  This will empower the ACLU with ambiguous laws that create liability for schools, universities, and student organizations.  This is an attack on people of faith and I don't think Americans will stand for it.


Sen. DeMint has introduced an amendment that would invalidate this discriminatory provision aimed at curtailing religious activity.  We urge members of the Senate to support this amendment.  A vote on the amendment is likely to occur this evening.  We will keep you posted as developments unfold.


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