Thanksgiving Day: More Than Just Turkey, Football, and Pumpkin Pie


Edward White

November 27, 2013

2 min read

American Heritage



One of the days I look forward to each year is the annual Patriotic Program held at my children’s Catholic grade school in Michigan.

It takes place two days before Thanksgiving Day (the last day of classes before the holiday break) to remind the children and those in attendance that Thanksgiving Day is a day on which we should give thanks to God for our good fortune for being Americans—something first proclaimed by George Washington in 1789.

I don’t know whether other schools in the country have a similar Program right before Thanksgiving Day. If they don’t, they should. It is a wonderful event.

As the principal noted during her comments at the Program this year, patriotism is an important virtue for the children to possess and nurture.

The hour-long Patriotic Program began with a flag ceremony, the Pledge of Allegiance, the National Anthem, and the Lord’s Prayer. Veterans who were in attendance were then honored.

Thereafter, the children led those in attendance in singing “Yankee Doodle,” “My Country ‘Tis of Thee,” “You’re a Grand Old Flag,” “America the Beautiful,” the songs of each of the branches of the Armed Forces, “God Bless the USA,” “This Land is Your Land,” “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” and “God Bless America.”

Each song was introduced by a different class (K-8), with the children, some wearing patriotic costumes, explaining the meaning and origins of the song.

The children also sang a song honoring the fifty states—of course, with Michigan being recognized as the best.

The Patriotic Program is always a great start to the school’s Thanksgiving Holiday break. It puts matters into perspective.

Yes, Thanksgiving Day is a day for family gatherings, food, and football, but it is also a day for all of us to give thanks to God for this great country and to remember how lucky we are to be Americans.

Happy Thanksgiving.