The Freedom From Religion Foundation is attempting to have a statue of Jesus – a significant piece of the history and heritage of Montana – removed from a mountainside. This is the same atheist, anti-Christian group that we have fought in court over their misguided lawsuits against the National Day of Prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance, and even our National Motto. With your support, we have defeated them in the past and we will successfully defend Montana’s historic statue of Jesus.

In the 1950's, World War II veterans from the Knights of Columbus put up a statue of Jesus at the Whitefish Mountain Resort. Now the atheist group wants it removed, saying the display is "a ruse and a sham" and calling on the U.S. Forest Service to end a long-standing lease that would force the nearly 60-year-old display to go.

We are sending a letter outlining the law for the U.S. Forest Service officials, explaining why the lease for this statue must remain. Please add your name to our letter today. 

Letter to the U.S. Forest Service to Keep Montana’s Jesus Statue in Place

To: The United States Forest Service

The law is on the side of the Montana residents defending the statue of Jesus placed on Montana’s Big Mountain ski hill nearly 60 years ago by World War II veterans. More than half a century ago, these veterans sought a way of reminding their neighbors and future generations of their sacrifice and what they experienced in the hills of Europe. The Supreme Court has repeatedly held that war memorials and other symbols of our heritage that share a religious meaning do not violate the Constitution. We urge you to renew this historic memorial’s lease today.

Defending Jesus Statue from Removal

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