The Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) – an anti-Christian, anti-faith group – is attempting to stop the Air Force Academy from promoting a charity that helps millions of children in 100 countries.

The MRFF is attempting to intimidate the Air Force Academy for sending an email to cadets, urging them to participate in Operation Christmas Child; participation by Air Force Academy cadets has been a long tradition at this prestigious school. This year, the MRFF filed a complaint and the Air Force Academy administration not only backed down but apologized for sending out the email, saying the request crossed the line and even represented religious intolerance because the humanitarian program is run by a Christian organization.

The U.S. Military must stand up to these intimidation tactics and not apologize to this extreme organization. Sign on to our letter urging the U.S. Military to tell the Military Religious Freedom Foundation to back off - there's no constitutional crisis in asking our military to help the less fortunate.

Letter to the U.S. Air Force Academy Regarding Operation Christmas Child

To: The United States Air Force Academy, Office of the Commandant of Cadets

Participation and promotion of a charity that is affiliated with a faith-based organization does not violate the U.S. Constitution. In fact, it is speech specifically protected by the First Amendment. Operation Christmas Child has long been promoted at the Air Force Academy. Stifling the promotion of this important work only serves to lessen the aid that cadets could have provided to children in need of aid around the world.

Anti-Faith Group Stops Promotion of Children’s Charity

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