Today on Jay Sekulow: President Trump Makes Surprise Visit to U.S. Troops in Iraq


Jay Sekulow

December 27, 2018

2 min read




While the Mainstream Media criticized and battered the President, claiming he was afraid to visit our troops serving in combat zones, President Trump was quietly traveling to Iraq to do just that.

Today on the broadcast, we discussed President Trump’s surprise trip to Al Asad Air Base in western Iraq to visit U.S. soldiers stationed in the war zone.

While the media was safely at home criticizing him, President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump spent Christmas night flying into hostile territory.

While in Iraq, the President and First Lady spent time with American troops. President Trump also addressed the assembled military personnel, where he discussed pulling U.S. troops out of Syria.

“The United States cannot continue to be the policeman of the world,” Trump said. "We don’t want to be taken advantage of anymore by countries that use us and use our incredible military to protect them."

Not surprisingly, the same media that was criticizing President Trump is now trying to downplay the President’s trip, calling it a staged rally.

Despite any biased conjecture to the contrary, President Trump and the First Lady were welcomed warmly by the surprised troops, and his speech was met not with dutiful applause, but with resounding, enthusiastic cheers.

Our servicemen and women appeared thrilled to have the Commander-in-Chief on their base.

President and Mrs. Trump also flew to Germany to spend time with American troops stationed there over the holidays.

You can listen to the entire episode here.