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The Presidential Inauguration


Jay Sekulow

May 23, 2011

2 min read




As I write this the Presidential inauguration ceremony has just concluded.  It was a moving ceremony.  We finished our radio broadcast on Jay Sekulow Live! by airing the benediction that was offered at the close of the inaugural ceremony -- a prayer that would not have occured if Michael Newdow succeeded in his efforts to remove prayer from the inauguration.  Three courts rejected Newdow's challenge -- including the U.S. Supreme Court.

I want to thank the tens of thousands of people who responded this week to keep prayer in the Presidential inauguration.  The fact is, though, the battle is just beginning.  Michael Newdow and the ACLU and other groups are doing all they can to remove any vestigate or reference of God or our faith from the public arena.  There are new challenges to the Pledge of Allegiance and public prayer and at the ACLJ we are committed to protecting these time-honored traditions.  That is why we have formed the Committee to Protect the Pledge and Prayer.  Please take a moment to add your name to this committee.

At the inaugural ceremony today, Chief Justice William Rehnquist administered the oath of office to President Bush.  This was the first time the Chief Justice has been seen in public since the announcement last fall that he is suffering from cancer.  I know that this event was very important to the Chief Justice and it was good to see him there today.  I want to encourage you to continue to pray for him and the Supreme Court.

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