STOP anti-Christian discrimination NOW!


STOP anti-Christian discrimination NOW!

It is unconstitutional for a public college professor to make passing a required course contingent upon a student's willingness to express agreement with philosophical viewpoints that conflict with her religious beliefs. But it is happening, right now; and if we don't act decisively, it will keep on happening. Not just in schools but on the job, in places of business, or in courts of law.

The ACLJ is already working on this. This is a glaring act of hostility toward a Christian, and we are committed to setting this legal battle right even if it means filing a lawsuit in federal court.

Help the ACLJ call for an end to unconstitutional anti-Christian hostility as our teams also prepare oral arguments for a major case at the Supreme Court and write an amicus brief for another case before the high court. Give immediately and generously to help us continue to fight this battle on every available front for the sake of your First Amendment rights and carry on all of our crucial work for the causes of faith and freedom. God bless you!

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