Say NO to the ACLU! - No Restrictions on PRAYER ... This is AMERICA!


Say NO to the ACLU!
No Restrictions on PRAYER ... This is AMERICA!

The ACLU is once again targeting the constitutionality of prayer this time attempting to intimidate the esteemed U.S. Naval Academy in Maryland. The ACLU is threatening to file a federal lawsuit unless the Naval Academy ends a longstanding tradition of permitting a voluntary mealtime prayer at noon. The ACLU is trying to shut down prayer making outrageous claims that voluntary prayer somehow violates the U.S. Constitution!

And you know that this is not the first time the ACLU has attacked prayer. This is only the latest, most serious attack!

Dont let them silence prayer! Stand with the ACLJ to protect the right of our men and women in uniform to participate in mealtime prayers and help us continue all of our legal and legislative efforts for the protection of life and liberty in this country.

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