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Major Newspaper Investigating Robertss Childrens Adoption


Jay Sekulow

May 23, 2011

3 min read




In what is being described as a distasteful and despicable move, The New York Times has indicated that they have begun investigating the adoption by John and Jane Roberts of their two children.  Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison from Texas was disheartened by the report.  Others have also expressed their utter frustration at the activities of investigative reporters with The New York Times looking into the adoptions.  Even Democratic Senators have said the Robertss children should be off limits in the upcoming judicial confirmation battle.


Meanwhile, People For the American Way sent out a national email yesterday regarding an interview that John Roberts did in the year 2000, commenting on the Supreme Court term.  What this interview establishes is the solid conservative credentials of Judge Roberts.  In fact, Judge Roberts talks at length about one of the cases I argued at the Supreme Court that term, the Santa Fe case involving prayer at football games.  As you will recall, the Court, while affirming that students had the right to prayer before, after or during the school day, nevertheless held that the school district was too involved in the policy and, therefore, violated the Establishment Clause.  Judge Roberts spoke at great length about the protection of student-initiated, student-led prayer.  He reiterated that the key issue will be the level of school involvement.  Judge Roberts also commented on the Stenberg partial-birth abortion case that was decided that term as well.  People For the American Way is using this television interview to criticize Judge Roberts.  For those of us who want to see the restoration of a conservative judicial philosophy, focusing in on judges not making policy and legislating from the bench, this interview provides a great deal of comfort.  To read the transcript of the interview in its entirety, please click here.


I am also well into the preparation of our brief in the Operation Rescue v. National Organization for Women case.  This 18-year-old case involving the application of RICO to pro-life protests will be argued before the Supreme Court on November 30th.  Our first brief is due September 2nd, and a reply brief will be due sometime in the middle of October.  I am working aggressively on developing a legal strategy to end this litigation once and for all and remove any attempts at keeping this national injunction in place.  This is a critically important case for the pro-life movement, and it is a top priority for us at the American Center for Law and Justice. 



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