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Family News in Focus - The Christmas Battle

May 23, 2011

2 min read




December 2, 2006
by Josh Montez, Family News in Focus

Its been said that the battle for religious liberty goes on all year, but it seems to be amplified during the Christmas season.

An Ohio school won't let teachers say "Merry Christmas," the ACLU has attacked a childrens program in Tennessee because the kids sang Away in a Manger, and the city of Chicago pulled the plug on the new movie "The Nativity" at a public festival.

Jay Sekulow with the American Center for Law and Justice says ACLU-types have been perpetuating ignorance about Americas religious rights during Christmas for a long time.

The hostility thats building toward Christmas has been around for decades. Whats more pronounced now is the fact that it is a clear attack on the message of Christmas story, and that is the focus of it. Its about Jesus, as far as Christmas, thats what they dont want out there.

Erik Stanley with the Liberty Counsel says the war against Christmas is reflective of whats happening in society.

We have seen the pendulum of political correctness swing radically to the opposite side where anything Christian at Christmastime is not allowed and is simply censored and sanitized under a misinformation and mis-education.

Mike Johnson with the Alliance Defense Fund says celebrating Christmas is a protected religious right, and groups like his are successful at defending your expressions of the holiday.

Christmas is not just a meaningless, commercialized, sparkle season as the ACLU is recommending it be referred to now. The last time I checked, Christmas was about a child born in a manger, and I think wed do well to remember that.

According to a new Rasmussen Report survey, 69-percent of Americans prefer the traditional greeting Merry Christmas over the generic Happy Holidays.

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