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Family News in Focus - Military Officers in Hot Water for Appearing in Christian Fundraising Video

May 23, 2011

2 min read




August 8, 2007
by Steve Jordahl, Family News in Focus

Four generals are among those who appeared on behalf of the Christian Embassy; a group that helps government employees with their faith. The sticking point was that the officers were in uniform at the time.

A report from the Pentagons Inspector General recommends corrective action against seven military officers for their participation in the video. Attorney Jay Sekulow of the American Center for Law and Justice calls the charges preposterous.

This idea now that were going to paint with this broad brush and say they violated internal policy because they were on camera and they were wearing the uniform. These guys are required to wear their uniforms.

The charges could result in anything from a reprimand to a reduction in rank. Sekulow doesnt think it will go that far.

Im optimistic at the end of the day that were going to carry this legally, that this would be ridiculous to penalize these guys for talking about their faith. I think some of its actually absurd.

In a statement, the DOD Inspector Generals office said, The Joint Ethics Regulations prohibits endorsement of non-Federal entities while in uniform and the Christian Embassy is a non-Federal entity. Retired General Bob Dees of Military Ministry says this senseless battle has consequences beyond the officers named in the report.

Its a tragedy that the real victims of their efforts are our troops and their families that are defending us at home and abroad.

For them, he says, religion is more than just a political football used to make a point.

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