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ACLJ: Day One of Confirmation Hearings Shows True Agenda of Liberal Senators and Gave John Roberts Critical Opportunity to Show He Understands Proper Role of Supreme Court

May 23, 2011

2 min read




September 12, 2005

(Washington, DC) The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), focusing on constitutional law, said the first day of confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee John Roberts revealed the true agenda of some of the liberal members of the Senate Judiciary Committee while giving Roberts a critical opportunity to show that he understands the proper role of the Supreme Court.

The following statement was issued by Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel of the ACLJ who supports the nomination and is attending the confirmation hearings:

It is no surprise that some of the liberal members of the Senate Judiciary Committee are already trying to frame these confirmation hearings using a skewed view of our constitutional freedoms a view that contrasts sharply with what our Founding Fathers intended and what most Americans understand that a Justice especially the Chief Justice should interpret the Constitution, not legislate from the bench.  With his opening remarks, John Roberts underscored his commitment to the law.  He understands that his role is to interpret, not legislate.  Were confident that he will not be bullied by the partisan tactics employed by some on the committee.  The American people will get a chance to see the real John Roberts a mainstream nominee who not only understands the role of the high court, but as Chief Justice will be dedicated to ensuring that the high court tackle the issues that matter most in a manner consistent with the Constitution.

The American Center for Law and Justice is based in Washington, D.C.

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