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Biden's new budget is a dystopian radical Left socialist wish list.

It must be defeated. Higher taxes, taxpayer-funded abortions, Green New Deal payoffs, and inflation-increasing spending sprees.

It's a panoply of radical Left causes.

It is chock full of harmful, dystopian, out-of-touch priorities, including higher taxes, taxpayer-funded abortions, exorbitant Green New Deal payoffs, and inflation-increasing spending sprees.

At the ACLJ, we're ramping up our presence on Capitol Hill. We're poised to challenge President Biden's lawlessness in federal court. Our Government Accountability Project is already engaged in a dozen cases against the Deep State. And our deadlines are looming.

If you oppose Biden's unconstitutional attacks on our liberty, his wasteful government spending, and empowering bureaucracies to force socialist policies on the American people, take urgent action with us.

Petition To Oppose Biden’s Wasteful Government Spending and Reckless Socialist Budget Priorities


Radical Left

Stop Biden’s Socialist Budget Priorities

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