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The astonishing level of President Biden’s brazen corruption and lawlessness is crippling the Constitution.

Biden’s DOJ and FBI raided and arrested pro-lifers at gunpoint in front of their families – carrying out the abortion industry’s vendetta.

His FBI concealed the Hunter Biden story, and the entire Biden Administration continues to downplay his family’s ties with China.

He willfully violates federal law to give away your tax dollars to terrorists at war with Israel, abortion, America’s enemies, and a host of Socialist causes. He's conducting a quiet war on our Christian faith. And now mishandling classified documents.


We’re taking legal action, filing a dozen lawsuits against the Biden Administration. We’re meeting directly with Members of Congress who will be investigating President Biden’s corruption in the House. And we are preparing new legal demands and lawsuits daily. We are your last line of defense for the Constitution.

But we urgently need you to take action with us.

Petition To Defeat President Biden’s Corruption and Lawlessness and Defend the Constitution


Defeat Biden’s Lawless Abuse of the Constitution

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