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Anti-Israel Hagel Nomination being Forced Through Senate to Hide More Anti-Israel Rhetoric?


Matthew Clark

February 15, 2013

3 min read




Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is attempting to force a Senate vote on former Senator Chuck Hagel’s Secretary of Defense nomination, as potentially damaging disclosures are imminent.  A vote on this dangerous nomination is scheduled for as early as this afternoon, but new opposition is emerging.

As we have been telling you for weeks, Hagel is the wrong choice for Secretary of Defense.  He cannot answer for his long record of refusing to support Israel.  He continues to stand by votes to appease Iran – a nation that today is pursuing nuclear weapons and is abusing and imprisoning American Pastor Saeed because of his Christian faith.

Hagel has even said that America should not have a contingency plan to defend Israel if it is attacked by Iran or its terrorist proxies.  Is this someone we want leading our military?

Not only are President Obama and Majority Leader Reid pushing this anti-Israel nominee on the American people, they are attempting to prevent a full and fair Senate debate of his record.

There are new reports that Chuck Hagel was paid to give potentially inflammatory speeches to “extreme or radical groups.”  One report from a Hagel supporter present at one of the speeches given in 2007 indicates that he said that the U.S. State Department is merely an adjunct of the Israeli foreign minster’s office.  If accurate, this could prove extremely damaging, another in a long line of inflammatory anti-Israel remarks by the former Senator.

Hagel has refused to answer questions concerning these official speeches, and Senator Reid is attempting to give him cover by forcing a vote on his nomination as early as this afternoon.

A number of Senators are demanding more information before they vote on his nomination – a simple and reasonable request from our leaders as they make critical decisions about the future of our national security.

Nearly a quarter of a million Americans have already signed the ACLJ’s petition demanding answers and urging the Senate reject this dangerous nomination.  Add your name today, and call your Senators to demand they oppose this nomination.

Update 2.15.2013: Late yesterday afternoon, the Senate narrowly voted to delay Hagel’s nomination.  This is a victory, but a fragile one. A vote is again expected within days. President Obama and Senator Reid remain intent on forcing this anti-Israel nominee through the Senate despite serious questions remaining about his qualifications to lead our military. Sign the petition to defeat this dangerous nomination today.

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