Christians in the military face a radical new anti-Christian threat.

A group that notoriously attacks Christians in the military is continuing their efforts to deny religious liberty to our men and women in uniform by desecrating the true meaning of the U.S. Constitution.

Their efforts to intimidate our soldiers and distort the truth continue, from attacking the National Day of Prayer and First Amendment-protected religious speech to efforts to ban Bibles from veterans' displays honoring our fallen soldiers.

Even worse, this group – whose leader calls Christians in the military “monsters who terrorize” – has advised the Pentagon on religion in the military.

The threat is real.

We’ve beaten back these bigoted attacks before, and we’re mobilizing to do so again. We’re sending military leadership critical legal letters to protect religious liberty in the military and defend the Constitution. Add your name today:

Petition to Protect Our Troops’ Religious Liberty from Anti-Christian Attacks

Protect Our Troops’ Religious Liberty from Anti-Christian Attacks

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