US Faces Home-Grown Terror Threat From Radical Islamic Extremists


Jay Sekulow

June 8, 2011

2 min read




It's time we focus on the issue of radicalizing American Muslims in this country.  It's a serious problem and one that we can no longer afford to ignore.

Al Qaeda terrorists are busy working to spread their anti-American hate in this country.  What's worse, they are doing all they can to influence American Muslims - to convince them that America is the enemy and that the solution is terrorism on U.S. soil.

Rep. Peter T. King, New York Republican, who is chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, is holding hearings this week in an effort to get to the bottom of what's happening in this country - the push to create home-grown terrorists.

"The overwhelming majority of Muslims are outstanding Americans, but at this stage in our history there's an effort ... to radicalize elements within the Muslim community," King told a reporter. "It's there, and that's where the threat is coming from at this time," said King.

At the American Center for Law and Justice, we understand the dangers of this growing threat.  It's a threat to our national security and one that must be addressed now.

That's why we have prepared a legal analysis underscoring the need for these Congressional hearings.  This letter will go to the Congressional leadership urging them to seek the answers to critical questions like:  What can be done to stop the radicalization of American Muslims?  How can we keep America safe? 

Our position is clear as outlined in our letter to lawmakers:  "All members should be resolute in asking critical questions that are necessary to ensure that these hearings are successful in producing the answers necessary to effectively prevent future terrorist attacks on American citizens. Therefore, we encourage the Chairman and committee to calland subpoena if necessaryall witnesses necessary to determine what causes, and how to prevent, radical Islamic terrorist acts directed against the United States."

Stand with the ACLJ and back these critical hearings.  Add your name to our letter that's going to Congressional leadership on this issue.  It's time to stand up for America.  Time to protect our homeland.