National Media Highlights ACLJ’s Efforts to Protect Egypt’s Christians


August 23, 2013

1 min read




Jordan Sekulow, ACLJ Executive Director, recently spoke with the Christian Post about the increasingly violent persecution of Christians in Egypt.

The Christian Post highlighted the ACLJ’s rapidly growing petition to defend Egypt’s Christians.

As Jordan explained the need for the United States government to take action to defend these persecuted Christians:

Words are not enough. Yes, the United States – when we speak, it's powerful, but what also makes us powerful is the amount of funding we provide to the world and I think this is one of the opportunities we have to at least give this Muslim majority population and military, which we've had a pretty good relationship with, the opportunity to do the right thing.

The Christian Post stated, “The ACLJ petition, which has already been signed by over 37,000 people, calls on Obama to comply with human rights requirements and to stand on the side of religious freedom against the Muslim Brotherhood.”

That petition has risen to now well over 50,000 signatures in just a matter of a few days.

Watch Jordan’s interview above, and sign the petition to defend Egypt’s Christians.