Democrats and Republicans agree: They want a president who believes in God


Jordan Sekulow

December 15, 2011

Atheist alert. New statistics from the Public Religion Research Institute show that over 70 percent of Republicans and over 50 percent of Democrats want a president who has “very strong religious beliefs.”

While a large majority of the electorate fully embraces the importance of the commander-in-chief’s faith, atheists groups continue to denigrate politicians - along with all religious people - who believe in God.

Atheists see the majority of the American people as “less educated but more abundant indoctrinated masses,” who are led by “superfundies [fundamentalists].” According to the group American Atheists, “superfundies” are people like, “Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Rick Perry, Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, Tim Pawlenty, [and] George Bush.”

“We have . . . willfully ignorant politicians who organize prayer rallies and regularly ask their constituents to pray for rain, and willfully ignorant legislators who spend the majority of their career trying to enact laws that interfere with everything from what goes into textbooks, what a woman can and cannot do with her body and the official government recognition of sectarian beliefs and monuments.”

While they leave President Obama off the list, he has talked about hisfaith at the National Prayer Breakfast and issued a National Day of Prayer proclamation, recognizing that “(t)hroughout our history, Americans have turned to prayer for strength, inspiration, and solidarity.”

Not only do they attack the American people who desire leaders of faith - which they define as “basing one’s concept of reality on fantasy and fairy tales” - they attack those of us who have taken a stand to defend America’s religious heritage. Here’s what they say:

“The activities of these few (’superfundies’), spurred on and supported by the less educated but more abundant indoctrinated masses are what generates all the lawsuits that are filed to challenge the abrogation of the civil rights of those who lack a belief in God and find the morality associated with religious belief to be immoral and reprehensible.”

Really? Aside from the incomprehensible jump in logic of calling morality “immoral,” it is just simply not true that groups like the ACLJ are responsible for the “abrogation of civil rights” of atheists. My dad,Jay Sekulow, has spent his entire career not only defending the Constitution but the religious history of our nation from constant attacks by atheists.

Atheists are free to believe or disbelieve as they please, and no one is filing lawsuits to take away their constitutional rights. It is people like the members of the ACLJ and those of us whose families fled persecutionwho are fighting back to defend the heritage of our nation from atheist attacks.

These angry atheists are losing in court because their interpretation of the Constitution is flawed, little more than an exercise in “mental gymnastics” attempting to make a “fantasy” godless America into a reality.

The American people are a people faith and, from politically liberal to conservative, they desire leaders with “very strong religious beliefs.”

How can atheists “hold these illogical and irrational beliefs” about religious people when the vast majority of Americans consider them unfit to lead the country?

This article is crossposted on Jordan's Washington Post blog, Religious Right Now.