The world watched in horror.

Abortionist Kermit Gosnell was convicted of murdering babies born alive after botched abortions.

Women died in his clinic from dangerous conditions.

The people of Texas reacted passing commonsense measures to restrict unregulated abortions and mandate basic safety standards on abortion clinics.

The abortion industry responded with an angry mob that literally chanted, “hail Satan.”

They tried to violently shut down the Texas legislature.

Life prevailed and this critical pro-life legislation passed.

Now the abortion industry is challenging this pro-life law that will save lives in federal court.

The Supreme Court has already stepped in to temporarily block part of the law as the case continues on appeal.

We’re preparing a critical amicus brief to defend life in this landmark case.

Stand for Life and sign our brief today.

Committee to Protect Life and Stop Dangerous Abortions

Reasonable restrictions on abortion and requiring basic safety standards don’t violate the Constitution. They save lives.



Stop Deadly Abortions

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