Life was betrayed.
A vote to ban late-term abortions – when babies can feel pain – was scheduled for the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, when abortion became legal.
Yet that vote to save the lives of countless unborn babies was sabotaged.
Just hours before the vote, a group of supposedly “pro-life” Members of Congress pulled their support.
They killed the bill, and now more babies are dying.
It was a day of cowardice, but we’re fighting back.
We’re defending life in courts nationwide, but now we need to fight in Congress.
Demand action to save life. Demand an immediate vote to ban late-term abortions.
Petition to Demand a Vote to Ban Late-Term Abortions
To: Every Member of Congress
Unborn children are being slaughtered every day from gruesome late-term abortions. These babies deserve to live. They deserve a vote in Congress. Immediately vote to ban late-term abortions.