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332,278 Lives Taken in 2009 at U.S. Government Expense


Nathanael Bennett

January 12, 2012

4 min read




As Matt so ably pointed out a few days ago, Planned Parenthood’s abortion business continues to boom – to the tune of more than a billion dollars in net assets. As if that weren’t shocking enough, a closer examination of the abortion giant’s latest annual report reveals even more troubling issues – like more than $100 million in previous underreporting of taxpayer funding and a distortion of just how “comprehensive” of care the organization provides. Let me explain one at a time.

First, the current annual report (fiscal year 2009-2010) shows $487.4 million from “government health services grants and reimbursements.” In other words, $487.4 million of American taxpayer money. When compared to the 2008-2009 annual report, which showed $363.2 million in “government grants and contracts,” it would appear that Planned Parenthood received an astonishing $124.2 million increase in taxpayer funding over the course of just one year. However, the real reason for this drastic increase may be even worse.

The real reason for this huge change is because this is the first year that Planned Parenthood has disclosed the amount it has received from services covered by Medicaid. Up until this year, Planned Parenthood was listing this revenue as “health center income.” It’s hard to believe that this was anything short of a strategic public relations strategy to minimize the visible burden on the taxpayers that Planned Parenthood has become. After all, the two line items appear one after the other in the report, and I don’t think anyone would try to make the argument that Medicaid isn’t a “government reimbursement.” The bottom line is that Planned Parenthood has been less than forthcoming about the extent to which the taxpayers are funding their abortion business.

Next, it is time to have an honest discussion about Planned Parenthood’s “comprehensive care” and prenatal services. Planned Parenthood’s 2009 Fact Sheet listed 7,021 prenatal clients – a shockingly small number compared to the 332,278 abortions reported for the same period of time. However, in the new annual report, this 2009 figure is reclassified as “prenatal services,” of which Planned Parenthood reports 40,489 in 2009. So Planned Parenthood served 7,021 prenatal clients and provided an average of roughly six “prenatal services” to each. It’s a pretty clever way to make this number look more impressive. And it makes the 2010 number of 31,098 “prenatal services” look even weaker. In fact, as others have pointed out, if each prenatal client were given the same number of services as was reported in 2009, Planned Parenthood only provided services to a little more than 5,000 women in 2010.

Here’s the real tragedy. There is no way to sugar-coat the abortion figure. While it’s possible to give a pregnant woman five or six services, and it’s possible to render services before an abortion is provided, each and every one of those 332,278 abortions represents a life. 332,278 abortion services means 332,278 lives ended.

So, what did our taxpayer dollars really pay for? Are we really supposed to believe that a billion dollar organization that takes nearly half a billion dollars from taxpayers doesn’t use that money to support the 332,278 abortions it performs? The suggestion is so ludicrous that it’s offensive. Of course American taxpayers are funding abortions when we send Planned Parenthood half a billion dollars. All the talk in the world about screenings and tests doesn’t change the abortion-centric business model that is in place and churning out the “clients.” The American People aren’t so easily fooled. Is it more likely that $487 million in taxpayer dollars is supporting 332,278 abortions or the estimated 5,000 individuals who received “prenatal services”?

Finally, I certainly don’t mean to suggest that biased reporting is a new concept. In fact, I’ve long been troubled by the slant with which Planned Parenthood’s number are presented. But this most recent report doubles down on that bias. However, no matter how hard they try, it’s impossible to disguise the truly grisly business model that’s been put in place. It’s all about funneling “clients” to their money maker: abortion. And it’s increasingly about doing it on the backs on the American taxpayer. No creative reporting can fully hide those ugly facts.

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