2012 Victories: Abortionists Have No Right to Taxpayer Funding
This is the latest installment in a year-end series looking back at a few of the hundreds of victories by the ACLJ in 2012.
States all across America are enacting laws preventing Planned Parenthood and other abortion business from receiving our tax dollars. Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion business in America, has responded by filing numerous lawsuits demanding taxpayer funding and even asserting that they have a “constitutional right” to our tax dollars.
The ACLJ has filed amicus briefs in several of these cases defending the right of states to defund the abortion industry. In one of these cases, a federal appellate court ruled that a Texas law defunding Planned Parenthood could go into effect. In another case, the court agreed with the ACLJ that there is no constitutional right to taxpayer funding for abortion businesses. Each of these cases are important in our fight to defund the abortion industry and save the lives of countless unborn babies.
To help the ACLJ continue to have the resources we need to make these victories possible and continue these fights, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the ACLJ through our year-end Matching Challenge. Your gift will be matched dollar-for-dollar though the end of the year.
You can read more in the ACLJ’s 2012 Victories series here.