Urgent Letter Delivered to Sudan’s Minister of Justice


Tiffany Barrans

July 13, 2015

2 min read

Persecuted Church



You spoke up for Pastors Michael and Peter, two Christian pastors facing potential death sentences because of trumped-up charges in Sudan.

We mobilized our international legal team around the globe.

Today, we delivered the urgent letter to Dr. Awad Al-Hassan Al-Noor, Sudan’s new Minister of Justice.

147,121 signed our legal letter demanding justice and freedom for our Christian brothers in chains for the Gospel.

208,385 signed our petition to raise awareness for their plight.

All of those names have been delivered to the Minister of Justice in addition to a comprehensive legal memorandum outlining Sudan’s obligations under international law to provide a fair and impartial trial for Pastors Michael and Peter.

Citing the injustices perpetrated upon them, our memorandum also reminds Sudan of their obligations under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, and the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam.

Our letter concludes:

In light of these obligations and the lack of evidence presented in this case, we respectfully request your immediate engagement in this matter to ensure that both men are permitted sufficient access to their legal counsel. Furthermore, should the government fail to proffer new and convincing evidence against the Reverend Ruot and the Reverend Reith, we urge Sudan to immediately drop their case.

Thank you for speaking out. Thank you for mobilizing hundreds of thousands. But our work is not yet done. Continue praying. Continue speaking out.

And we will continue our work – in the halls of power and in media – for justice for Pastors Michael and Peter.

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