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House of Representatives Calls on Iran to Release Captive Americans – Including Pastor Saeed Abedini


ACLJ Staff Writers

June 16, 2015

2 min read

Persecuted Church



Tonight, the House of Representatives unanimously passed H.Res. 233 by a vote of 391-0. The resolution calls on Iran to immediately release the three U.S. citizens currently wrongfully imprisoned there, and provide any information it has about American citizens who have disappeared within its borders.

The ACLJ has been fighting on Capitol Hill and around the world to help save American Pastor Saeed Abedini – a U.S. citizen – from his wrongful imprisonment in Iran, where he’s beaten and tormented for his Christian faith. Next week marks a troubling milestone – 1,000 days of imprisonment for Pastor Saeed.

The Resolution, passed by the House Foreign Affairs Committee on June 2nd - the day Naghmeh Abedini and families of the other Americans held hostage in Iran testified before them, reads in full:

Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that Iran should immediately release the three United States citizens that it holds, as well as provide all known information on any United States citizens that have disappeared within its borders.

Whereas three United States citizens have been held captive in Iran, some of them for multiple years;

Whereas one United States citizen disappeared in Iran over eight years ago; and

Whereas Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has stated that his government wishes to engage in a constructive interaction with the world: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That it is the sense of the House of Representatives that Iran should release all detained United States citizens immediately and provide any information it possesses regarding any United States citizens that have disappeared within its borders.

Naghmeh’s recent testimony made a difference.   Our advocacy is making a difference.

Your voice is being heard. But our work is not yet done and the fight is not yet over until Pastor Saeed is home here in the United States with his family.

Here’s the concern: Time is running out. The nuclear negotiations with Iran are scheduled to end by June 30th.

We are working to collect 1 million unique signatures to #SaveSaeed. We are getting close. But we need you to stand-up for Pastor Saeed. Help us Reach 3 of your friends to meet our goal and bring Pastor Saeed home.

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