A critical deadline is quickly approaching.
Pastor Saeed – a U.S. citizen – remains wrongfully imprisoned in Iran.
After more than two years in captivity, he’s suffering from immense pain and internal injuries from prison beatings.
Now is a pivotal time in the fight for his freedom.
The Obama Administration is literally sitting across the table from Iran with a June deadline for nuclear negotiations looming large.
We can’t trust Iran if it continues to wrongfully imprison an American pastor.
President Obama has promised to leave no American behind.
We must hold him to this promise. He must bring Pastor Saeed home.
We can’t leave him behind.
Join us in sending a powerful message:
No Deals with Iran Without Pastor Saeed
To President Obama and Secretary of State Kerry:
As President you have promised and you have the responsibility to leave no American behind. Use this unique opportunity with Iran to bring Pastor Saeed – a U.S. citizen and loving husband and father – home to America.