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The Supreme Court has concluded that pro-abortion ObamaCare is a tax. In fact, it represents the largest middle-class tax increase in American history, and those tax dollars will be used to dramatically increase abortions in America.

A bipartisan majority in the House of Representatives has voted to repeal ObamaCare. It’s time for the Senate to vote on repeal as well. Tell Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to schedule a vote immediately.

Petition to Repeal Pro-Abortion ObamaCare

To: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell

ObamaCare represents a massive pro-abortion tax increase on the American people and violates our constitutional right to religious liberty. A majority of Americans oppose this law, and I urge you to schedule a vote on repealing ObamaCare immediately.



ObamaCare Repeal Vote Should Happen in the U.S. Senate

Read Full Petition
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