Why the Health Care Fight is Also About Abortion
For more than two years, conservative legal organizations like the ACLJ have said that Obamacare is about much more than a choice between individual liberty and a federal takeover of the health care industry. Recent news lends further evidence to concern that the Affordable Care Act is also about expanding access to and funding for abortion. This month, Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ), co-chairman of the Congressional Pro-Life Caucus, said of the newly-released abortion funding rules for state insurance exchanges, “Abortion isn’t health care . . . Obamacare should do them no harm. Tragically, it does the worst harm of all. It kills children and makes others complicit in abortion.”
When it comes to abortion in the Affordable Care Act, the devil is in the details: You can read these new abortion coverage rules at the HHS Web site.
For years, Obamacare supporters keep telling Americans that the bill has nothing to do with abortion. President Obama himself promised that there would be no abortion funding in his signature health care legislation.
Not only were they proven wrong (the abortifacient mandate and the abortion “surcharge” are just two examples), the very fact that the abortion industry was out in full force on the steps of the Supreme Court this week is in itself telling. . . .