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Election Mandate: Repeal ObamaCare


Nathanael Bennett

June 9, 2011

3 min read




When the new Congress begins its work in January, there will be many priorities - including creating jobs and improving the economy.  But make no mistake about it, voters want something else, too - they want the government-run, pro-abortion health care law repealed.

And, as we continue our legal challenges against ObamaCare, we're also focusing on the need for Congress to take action and repeal it.

Americans repeatedly have expressed concern and opposition to the health care law.  And, a growing majority say that want it repealed.  The well-respected Rasmussen Reports conducted exit polls and found that 59% of those who voted on Election Day favor repealing ObamaCare - numbers that have been pretty consistent since the troubling health care measure was passed in March.

And, make no mistake about it, the issue of health care cost many Democrats their seats in the House.  As one news story chronicled it:  "Few Democrats survive healthcare vote" - Those who supported ObamaCare, as the report correctly concluded, "dropped like flies" on Election Day.

The election sent a powerful message.  A message acknowledged by the new House leadership.

"I believe that the healthcare bill that was enacted by the current Congress will kill jobs in America, ruin the best healthcare system in the world, and bankrupt our country," said House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH), who's expected to become House Speaker. "That means we have to do everything we can to try to repeal this bill and replace it with common sense reforms to bring down the cost of health care."

Current House Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA), who's expected to become the new majority leader in the House, echoed those concerns.  In an interview with CBS News, he expressed hope that legislation to repeal ObamaCare can happen soon.  "The problem is . . .we haven't focused on the problem, which is the cost," Cantor said. "It's too expensive. Health care is just, the costs are out of control, and we've got to go back and begin to give the American people what they want, which is lower cost and higher quality. Not this abomination that was passed."
Tens of thousands of you have stood with us on this issue.  You spoke out during the health care debate in the days and weeks leading up to the passage of ObamaCare back in the spring.  And you went to the polls - constitutional conservatives - standing up and speaking out for what you believe.

Now, we need your help again.  This is the time.  This is the moment.  Now, with the significant shift in Congress, it's time to make sure the new leadership in the House does what voters demanded - repeal ObamaCare.

Add your name to our Petition to Repeal ObamaCare right now and make a difference.

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