CNS News - Appeals Court Delivers 'Significant Victory' for Catholics Fighting HHS Mandate

November 13, 2013

1 min read




By Susan Jones,

In a 2-1 ruling on Friday, a federal appeals court in Chicago upheld the rights of both individuals and companies to challenge Obamacare's contraception-abortifacient-sterilization mandate.

It is the first decision of its kind in the ongoing litigation against the requirement that all employers -- despite their deeply held religious beliefs -- must arrange and pay for employee health insurance that covers no-cost contraceptives, abortion-inducing drugs, and sterilization, under penalty of fine.

"This is a significant victory for protecting the religious beliefs of individuals and corporations," said Edward White, senior counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice, who represents one of the plaintiffs, an Illinois company. . . .

You can read the entire story here.