ISIS – the Islamic State – is a jihadist army. It has declared war on liberty and freedom.
One by one, ISIS executed innocent civilians in Paris and now Brussels. ISIS has beheaded American journalists. ISIS is trying to exterminate Christians.
It has promised to infiltrate refugee camps to export terror. Now it is threatening to attack America.
We must protect persecuted Christians. We must protect our homeland. President Obama’s failed strategy does neither.
Jihadists must not be allowed to use Syrian refugees as camouflage to terrorize America. Refugees fleeing ISIS must be protected in the region. ISIS must be destroyed.
We’re aggressively advocating for the persecuted Church and to protect America. Add your name today:
Petition to Protect America and Christians from ISIS Jihad
To President Obama and Congress:
ISIS must be destroyed – not “contained.” Protect Christians and other refugees by establishing safe havens in the region. Protect America by placing a moratorium on Syrian refugees until we can ensure ISIS doesn’t come with them. And defeat ISIS.