ISIS wants to destroy America and eradicate Christianity.
ISIS (the Islamic State) has directed jihadists to attack America. Jihadists pledging allegiance to ISIS and radical Islam have attacked America, slaughtering dozens of Americans in multiple terrorist attacks.
ISIS is at war with us. We must wage war on ISIS.
We’ve literally written the book on the Rise of ISIS. Now we’ve developed a critical five-point plan to defeat and destroy this jihadist enemy.
As we work aggressively on Capitol Hill and with the Trump Administration, take action with us. Add your name:
Petition to Defeat and Destroy ISIS and Islamic Jihadists
Take these five key steps to defeat ISIS and protect America. 1) Name the enemy: Islamic jihadists. 2) Fix our broken intelligence. 3) Ramp up undercover stings to smoke out jihadists at home. 4) Authorize military force against ISIS. 5) Unleash full U.S. military might to utterly destroy ISIS.