Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani has been sentenced to death by Iranian authorities because he has embraced Christianity. The ACLJ has mounted an aggressive international effort to save his life. We've contacted members of Congress, international leaders, and the news media - working to put pressure on the Iranian government to stop this planned execution that could occur at any time.

Petition to Secretary of State Clinton - Call on Iran to save Christian pastor

To: Secretary of State Clinton

We cannot allow this atrocity to be carried out. Christian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani faces imminent execution in Iran for his Christian faith.

It is absolutely critical that you call for Iran to overturn Pastor Youcef’s death sentence and demand his full and unconditional release from prison. As other world leaders denounce Iran’s condemning this man to death just for being a Christian, it is critical that America – the land of liberty – take a stand and pressure Iran to release Pastor Youcef.

I urge you to take immediate action to call on Iran to stop this ultimate human rights abuse, and free Pastor Youcef before it’s too late.


Middle East

Pressure Iran to Save Christian Pastor

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