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Pastor Youcef’s Life in Imminent Danger


Jordan Sekulow

February 20, 2012

2 min read

Middle East



We have just received word from our contacts on the ground in Iran of an extremely dangerous turn of events for Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani. There is an increased likelihood that the Iranian regime will execute Pastor Youcef for his faith.

Pastor Youcef’s case had been stalled due to increased international pressure and the Iranian court’s request that Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, decide Pastor Youcef’s fate. Now, because Pastor Youcef has continually refused to give into the regime’s demands that he renounce his Christian faith, the likelihood that the Iranian regime will execute him increases by the day.

The situation has not been this dire since we first brought you his story.

Iran has demonstrated its resolve to ignore its international obligations, whether by its continued attempt to gain nuclear power or its continued disregard for human rights.

It is more critical than ever to increase the pressure on the Iranian regime to overturn Pastor Youcef’s death sentence and release him immediately. If Iran executes Pastor Youcef, it could be the catalyst for the extinction of Christianity in Iran.

The ACLJ is continuing to work with Pastor Youcef’s attorney in Iran, the State Department, and Members of Congress in an effort to save Pastor Youcef’s life.

The congressional resolution introduced by Representative Joe Pitts (PA-16) late last week – condemning Iran and calling for Pastor Youcef’s immediate release – is gaining bipartisan support, including the original co-sponsorship of Representatives John Carter (TX-31), Keith Ellison (MN-5), Trent Franks (AZ-2), James McGovern (MA-3), Heath Shuler (NC-11), and Frank Wolf (VA-10).

The ACLJ is urging every Member of Congress to support this critical measure. Please sign our Petition to Free Christian Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani today.

Please continue to share Pastor Youcef’s story and pray, as we continue fighting for his life.

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