Washington Times - ACLJ: Appointment of Obama Supporter to Lead IRS Probe 'Troubling'

January 9, 2014

2 min read

Free Speech



By Seth McLaughlin, WashingtonTimes.com

The group representing 41 organizations in a federal lawsuit related to the IRS targeting of conservative and tea party groups said Thursday that it is “troubling” that the Justice Department tapped a political supporter of President Obama to lead the investigation into the allegations of wrongdoing at the tax agency.

Responding to an exclusive story in The Washington Times, the American Center for Law and Justice said that the selection of Barbara Kay Bosserman, a trial lawyer in the Justice Department who has donated money to Mr. Obama’s presidential campaigns, threatens to undercut the integrity of the investigation and raises questions about the administration’s promise to get to the bottom of the IRS scandal.

“Appointing an avowed political supporter of President Obama to head-up the Justice Department probe is not only disturbing but puts politics right in the middle of what is supposed to be an independent investigation to determine who is responsible for the Obama Administration’s unlawful targeting of conservative and tea party groups because of their political beliefs,” said Jay Sekulow, of the ACLJ. “This development creates a serious conflict of interest and raises more questions and doubts about the Obama Administration’s promise to get to the bottom of what happened — to reveal the facts and the truth about the IRS targeting scheme.”. . .

You can read the entire story here.